There are a handful of times in my life where God invited me to take a new course of action — each time I acted was a life-changing experience for me.
As a child, recurring dreams foretold and prepared me for the loss of my parents. At age 17, this event occurred, and propelled me to seek out spiritual answers to explain how I could have know this, and discover who told me my future.
Along the spiritual journey I was led to teach meditation and yoga, start an Ayurvedic herb company, found a school to certify students to be Ayurvedic practitioners, writing two #1 best-selling books, traveling and meeting my spiritual teacher, spending time with shamans in the Amazon rainforest, and around 2015, God told me I could go deeper into my mediumship (talking with people in heaven).
In 2023 was the next big God talk – He invited me to get involved with a new project. Two days later I discovered a product whose patent said it activated our body’s own stem-cells to regenerate and reverse our aging through wearing patches. Finally I found something that changed my life — allowing my body to heal itself. I felt I got my life back – feeling more flexible, focused, and full of energy. With this new life, I again devoted myself to align with God’s will and became a distributor for the Lifewave patch products.
Sessions with me will always recommend these patches and any other regenerative tools that I have studied over the past 5 decades.
Those of you who feel called to step outside your comfort zone, who want to stretch, who know their dream is on the other side of taking action – I am here for you as you take your next step on your journey.
Wishing you health, wealth, peace, divine love and joy